Christian Lefebvre Appointed Executive Director of the Information and Referral Center of Greater Montréal
Read moreAll games of money and chance are risky. Even though most people remain social gamblers, no one is safe from developing problematic or excessive behaviours. According to your habits, you will be able to identify yourself within one or another of these categories :
If one of your loved ones exhibits behaviours corresponding to the previous categories, we can also support and refer you towards appropriate resources. Addiction to gambling does not only affect the gambler, but his or her loved ones as well. You are not alone: Call us.
Social gambler, at-risk gambler or excessive gambler, the primary motivation remains the same: these people start gambling for mere entertainment. For the majority of them, the game will remain a game, whereas for a certain percentage, it could take on worrying proportions. With this in mind, we can identify the four phases prone to lead to a gambling addiction. Fortunately, a gambler with addictive behaviours can, at any moment, become aware of his or her habits and work on them to lead a healthier lifestyle.
Becoming addicted to gambling happens when you least expect it in an insidious fashion. You start by developing behaviours that seem harmless and before you know it, you are knee deep in addiction. The darkest phase of an addiction can occur quicker that we think.
If you are the loved one of someone with a gambling addiction, do not hesitate to ask for support.
Shaffer, Hall and Vander Bilt, 1999
Inspired by the Three Phases of Gambling by psychiatrist Robert Cluster: Custer, R.L. 1980. The Profile of Pathological Gamblers. Washington, DC: National Foundation for Study and Treatment of Pathological Gambling.