In order to meet the growing needs and help even more players, our goal is to raise $100,000 in 2024-2025. Want to help us reach that goal? You’re in the right place!

Why support us?

In 2023-2024, we saw a historic 21% increase in requests for help. The proliferation of gaming platforms, their widespread online accessibility, and our increasingly virtual lifestyle create many challenges. Our team members are observing significant issues related to mental health disorders, multi-dependency, and high levels of distress among both players and their families.

How will your support help?

As the population’s needs grow and become more complex, your support will allow us to:

  • Expand our team to handle the increasing number of requests for help.
  • Provide the proper support, training, and guidance to our team so that the service evolves as quickly as gaming practices have in recent years, staying relevant.
  • Develop impactful projects to better support players and their families, who experience high levels of stress, financial difficulties, and often have co-occurring mental health issues and addictions.

Are you an individual donor?

Do you care about our mission? You can donate any amount to our organization. Your donation can be one-time or recurring. Every contribution counts!


Are you a foundation or business?

Do you care about our mission? Would you like to associate your name with ours and help even more people? Take a look at our major donation plan and the visibility opportunities that come with it. Help make a difference!

Consult the donation plan

Major donors – $10,000 to $29,999

Supporting donors – $2,999 or less


AVENS Avocats

Productions du Sixième


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